The Harrison and Richardson Folding Shotgun

The Harrison and Richardson folding shotgun is a compact and lightweight firearm that is designed for easy transport and storage. It features a folding design that allows the user to quickly and easily collapse the shotgun for convenient carrying. Despite its small size, the folding shotgun is powerful and reliable, making it a popular choice for those who need a reliable firearm for hunting, sport shooting, or self-defense.

The Harrison and Richardson folding shotgun dates back to the early 20th century. Originally designed as a compact and portable firearm for use in military and law enforcement applications, the folding shotgun quickly gained popularity among civilians as well. While production dates may vary, some models were manufactured as late as 1945. Typically, these shotguns are single-shot firearms, which are straightforward and easy to operate. The Harrison & Richardson folding shotguns were often chambered in common gauges like 12-gauge, 20-gauge, and .410 bore. It is a single-shot, breech-loading shotgun that folds in the middle, making it highly portable. 

The H&R folding shotgun is known for its lightweight and well-balanced design, making it easy to carry and handle during hunting trips.

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