How to Feed Your Sporting Dog

Canine nutritionists have long known that nutrition is key to performance, but how much and when we feed our dogs is just as important as what we feed. These factors can impact your dog’s energy levels, physical fitness, and post-hunt recovery. Here is what you need to know to help keep your sporting dog in top form throughout the year.

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The New Southern Bird Hunters Association Aims to Amp Up Field Trials

On the night of February 10, 2020, Marty Robinson and three friends were in a texting session about field trials, when their conversation took an urgent turn.

“We felt that something bad was needed to change things up,” Marty recalled. “There have been no changes to field trials in the past 145 years. We wanted to fortify the sport.”

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Know Your Sporting Dog’s Individual Nutritional Requirements

The fascinating part of sporting dogs is that they’re all so different. Never mind the fact that you can find a setter that casts at 40 yards, one that runs inside of bell range, or wins AA as the late Shadow Oak Bo did (twice in fact). That’s a wide range of performance in just one breed. Start to include other pointing, flushing and retriever breeds and the view expands. The icing on the cake comes when you add in 30 breeds of versatile hunting dogs acknowledged by The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA).

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ST. CHARLES, MO, September 28, 2020 – For more than half a century, Eukanuba™ has been a champion of sporting and working dogs. Founder Paul Iams focused on performance nutrition with the first dog food made from high-quality

animal proteins. After decades of innovation in science backed nutrition for canine athletes, Eukanuba is introducing Premium Performance, an all-new line of performance products tailored to duration and intensity of activity. 

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