San Antonio, Texas (October 19, 2022) – J.P. Sauer & Sohn, Germany’s oldest manufacturer of hunting firearms, is pleased to introduce the new line of SL5 Waterfowl shotguns.
San Antonio, Texas (October 19, 2022) – J.P. Sauer & Sohn, Germany’s oldest manufacturer of hunting firearms, is pleased to introduce the new line of SL5 Waterfowl shotguns.
NORTH HAVEN, CT – When legendary competitive shooters, Jerry and Lena Miculek, partnered with Mossberg in 2020 to launch a new 12-gauge autoloading shotgun, the 940 JM Pro, the world of competitive shooting took notice. Now Mossberg is bringing this high-performance platform to the hunting market with the introduction of two waterfowl-dedicated shotguns – the 940 Pro Waterfowl and the 940 Pro Snow Goose, featuring Cerakote® metal surfaces, chrome-lined barrels, HIVIZ® TriComp sights and camo-finished stocks and forends.
When I invented and patented my Featherlite Chokes for clay target sports, thankfully I went through a major learning curve about how shotguns truly performed when it came to patterns and chokes. Whether the gun was a fixed choke barrel or came with choke tubes, I quickly realized that they all patterned differently and depending on what geometry that particular choke had inside. This Gun Specific Patterning Geometry (G.S.P.G.) made all the difference when it came to pattern consistency, pellet counts, evenness and shot to shot deviations.
A friend recently advocated his theory about the .410 in today’s America. He believed that as our wingshooting population ages it will find preserve hunting increasingly attractive. Knees and ankles not quite as sturdy in the rutted fields of South Dakota? That extra 25 pounds of belly fat making your Wyoming high country bird hunt more strenuous than you last remembered? Old eyes causing those explosive flushes to get away? Packing ibuprofen in the vest pocket next to your shotgun shells?
In November 2015 we visited the legendary OSP Shooting School in Fulshear, Texas to evaluate a pre-shipment model of the Mossberg 930 Pro-Series Sporting 12-gauge semi-auto under the guidance of clays instructors extraordinaire, Gil and Vicki Ash.
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Our goal is to provide you with the best coverage in wing and clays shooting. That includes places to shoot, ways to improve your shooting and the latest new products. Everything you need to know about the shotgun sports is a mouse-click away.
Irwin Greenstein
Shotgun Life
PO Box 6423
Thomasville, GA 31758
Phone: 229-236-1632