6 Fine-Print Reasons for Insuring Your Shotgun – Part 1: Unexpected Mishaps
This 6-part informational series is sponsored by Gun & Trophy Insurance, at https://bit.ly/3q0PMTU
6 Fine-Print Reasons for Insuring Your Shotgun. Part 1: Unexpected Mishaps
Written by Cole Cushman
Have you ever found yourself staring down at a damaged firearm and wondering what you’re going to do next? Were you involved? Was it an accident? Who is going to pay for the repairs? These are all questions that gun owners may face at some point. There is, in fact, insurance available to protect your investments against unexpected firearm damage.
It wouldn’t be a stretch to say “I’ve seen it all” when it comes to gun mishaps. But the truth is anything can happen to your firearm – no matter how common or unbelievable. The critical thing to know is whether or not the insurance you’ve chosen for your firearms has you covered for such an unfortunate incident.
Imagine you are at the trap and skeet range for an afternoon of friendly competition. You’ve made some great shots and feel like you’ve conquered the target machine. You place your gun on the rack, but as you walk back suddenly hear a crashing noise. You turn around to realize a golf cart accidentally backed into the rack and knocked your gun to the ground. The sinking feeling in your stomach starts to set in. You reluctantly walk over and assess the damage. From the start, you can see your stock is no longer the sturdy instrument that helped guide your bullets to each clay target earlier. The dismantled stock lying on the ground would alarm even the most novice observer. Not only is your day of shooting coming to a disastrous end, but you’re also staring down the barrel (pun intended) at thousands of dollars in damage.

So what do you do now? What does your policy state about situations like this? Gun & Trophy Insurance has not only handled these mishaps, but mastered how to remove the worry and uncertainty that comes with them.
Often, these shotgun stocks are custom fit with high-grade walnut that could cost up to $7,000 alone. If the stock is broken on your firearm, even by a rogue golf cart, we pay to not only replace it, but have the same manufacturer rebuild the stock at the same grade. We will make sure the exact quality stock is put back on your gun and restore it to its working condition.
With Gun & Trophy Insurance, you can collect, operate, and display your guns with the confidence that they are covered. Here’s the best part: our coverage is significantly cheaper than most homeowners’ policies. Most homeowners’ policies charge between $1.50 to $1.80 per $100 in gun value. Our rate is approximately 1/6 that amount, with premiums starting as low as $115 per year.
We believe in transparency and fairness to our customers. Most insurance policies are written with takeaways and givebacks. Our goal is to make gun-owner-centric policies that create the best possible coverage for the best rate – customizable to your unique needs. Of course, we are gun enthusiasts, but let’s not forget about the trophies you collect along the way. It is just as essential to protect the fruits of your hunting labor as the guns that made it happen.
Take a few minutes to learn about our blanket policies. Gun & Trophy Insurance respects your privacy, so we do not require you to provide a list of your guns or their serial numbers if you are purchasing a blanket policy.
Are you interested in a more extensive plan? We can offer you our Premier Policy, which is designed to address the more complex needs of shooting enthusiasts. We recommend either the Silver or Gold blanket policy if you do not have trophies and if your collection is valued under $48,000. Note, these options also are best for when your single guns and accessories are valued under $10,000, or if you prefer not to schedule guns on your policy.
Whether you’re a hunter, sportsman, competitor, collector, or all of the above we have coverage plans to meet your needs. Visit our website to learn more about the surprisingly affordable and easy ways to protect your cherished shotguns and other firearms in your collection.
Cole Cushman found his passion for hunting at just 11 years old. His extensive gun collection can be traced back to when he received his first rifle at 15, a Browning medallion 7mm. In 2007, Cole decided to merge his personal love for hunting with his professional career in finance by starting Gun & Trophy Insurance.

Cole Cushman found his passion for hunting at just 11 years old. His extensive gun collection can be traced back to when he received his first rifle at 15, a Browning medallion 7mm. In 2007, Cole decided to merge his personal love for hunting with his professional career in finance by starting Gun & Trophy Insurance.