With Barrels Machined From a Single Billet of Steel, the Longthorne Hesketh Proves Itself as an Innovative Performer

Innovation is a word not typically associated with today’s break-open sporting shotguns. In fact, for a sizeable community devoted to vintage upland shotguns, the concept of innovation might just as well have stopped in the 19thcentury with the creation of rose-and-scroll engraving.

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Why a Young Shooter’s Coach and Her Family Rallied Around Perazzi

Ava Cauley and her father Kevin often razz each other about which of their Perazzis is better. But all kidding aside, coached by legendary shooting instructor and Perazzi advocate Mike Simpson, the three of them have centered on Perazzi to shape the 16-year-old into a world-class, bunker-trap competitor.

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Mossberg® Launches 940® Pro Waterfowl Series Autoloading Shotguns

NORTH HAVEN, CT – When legendary competitive shooters, Jerry and Lena Miculek, partnered with Mossberg in 2020 to launch a new 12-gauge autoloading shotgun, the 940 JM Pro, the world of competitive shooting took notice. Now Mossberg is bringing this high-performance platform to the hunting market with the introduction of two waterfowl-dedicated shotguns – the 940 Pro Waterfowl and the 940 Pro Snow Goose, featuring Cerakote® metal surfaces, chrome-lined barrels, HIVIZ® TriComp sights and camo-finished stocks and forends.

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Delta Waterfowl Forecasts a Reduced Fall Duck Flight

BISMARCK, NORTH DAKOTA — Delta Waterfowl forecasts that poor breeding conditions in the prairie pothole region will result in a smaller fall flight than waterfowl hunters have experienced for many seasons. The Duck Hunters Organization expects that while blue-winged teal, green-winged teal and gadwalls had average to below-average production, other key species fared worse, including mallards and, even more so, pintails, wigeon and canvasbacks.

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Scotsman Grant Buchan Acquires McKay Brown, Keeping the Fabled Gunmaker on Scottish Soil

At 80 years old, it was no secret that David McKay Brown was ready to retire from his eponymous gunmaking company famous for its gorgeous round-action triggerplate shotguns and rifles. Certainly, there were tremors through the UK and Scotland that this Scottish treasure would end up in foreign hands.

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