Sauer Introduces SL5 Turkey Shotguns

J.P. Sauer and Sohn, Germany’s oldest manufacturer of hunting firearms, is pleased to introduce new high-performance SL5 Turkey shotguns.  Featuring a durable Inertia-Driven System requiring fewer parts and minimal cleaning, the smooth-cycling, accurate, and reliable SL5 is available in three camo patterns – Mossy Oak Obsession, Mossy Oak Bottomland, and Mossy Oak New Bottomland.

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How Don Currie Fixed my Sporting Clays Game

I wouldn’t exactly call it a slump, but clearly my sporting clays performance felt like it was undergoing a creeping atrophy of body and mind. Focus and concentration required digging deeper and deeper into myself, casting adrift my inner instinctive shot like an untethered astronaut floating off into space. Finally, I simply had to accept the inevitable: go ahead and just take lessons again.

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So You Want to Be an Exhibition Shooter? The Gould Brothers Have Some Advice for You.

Many of you have watched exhibition shooters entertaining crowds with their amazing skills. You know, throw five targets in the air by hand and smashing them all in a matter of seconds. Then try the same stunt bending over backwards. The Gould Brothers have taken an age-old tradition of exhibition shooting and put their own unique twist on entertaining folks with firearms. 

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Behind the Scenes of the Prestigious Continental Field Trails

With a total of 38 years between them working on Livingston Place, Randy Floyd and Clay Sisson have taken charge of preparing one of the few remaining field trials in America that still boasts wild quail. With the 84th consecutive Continental Field Trails slated for the third Monday in January at Livingston Place in Greenville, Florida, Randy and Clay are hard at work sweating the details on this prestigious competition.

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